Filming Juno
When filming Juno we were in groups my group was made up of three people, me, Charlie and Connor, however when we were filming the first minute for Juno like the task asked us to do Connor was not in therefore me and Charlie had to do the filming as a group of two. We found this task quite hard because Charlie was on crouches and therefore it was hard to film. Although we did manage some of the filming was a bit dodgy because Charlie had to limp as he could not walk straight. However we managed to get everything filmed and some of the scenes we had to film later as we either did not have the correct props or needed Connor as a third person to help out in the scene.
Overall, i thought that the task went really well and even though some of the film is dodgy because Charlie had to film whilst on crouches i think that the short film its self is as close as we could get it to the Juno shot film actual one. As a group we did think that it does not look as good as others because we did not have a girl in our group so a boy had to play the role of Juno, as a result of this the edit does not look as good as it could have if we had a girl in our group. Now i will be editing our Juno piece in Adobe Premier Pro and then be uploading onto my blog and you tube.