Audience - User and Gratification

Class work

Today in class we were learning about the audience when watching films. We learnt that previously researchers would always be watching the films to find out information. But now instead of researchers watching the films they watch the audience that are watching the films to see their facial expressions and reactions to some of the scenes in the movie, also the researchers would tend to focus on 16-24 year old and not really any other age groups. 

Gratification - Something that gives you pleasure 

In order to remember audience and what we need to know about audience in media our teacher gave us an acronym to help us with this. The acronym is PIES, and this stands for the following:

Personal identification
Social interaction

How do i consume a film?

1) What do we mean when we use the word film?

 Whenever i use the word film i am generally talking about a film that has either just came out, coming out or i have just watched. I like to see a film as either a short film 20 minutes or less, or a long film 1 hour at the least. If there is a video that is in-between these times i don't really think of this a a film but just as a clip or video.

2) Do you think it means the same as the word movie?

In my eyes, i think that the word movie and film has the same meaning, but for me are slightly different. This is because where i see a film only being in-between specific times, as i said above i would see a movie as any times even if they were in-between the times that i said were not seen as a film. Therefore i do not think that the word movie and film is the exact same but definitely very similar.

3) And what about the word cinema?

Whenever i hear the word cinema i would think of an odeon or a place where all of the new movies are shown where you can go and watch them with your family or friends on a day or night out. However, if i was to hear the word cinema i would not link to this to being any type of film i would just relate it to new movies that are coming out where you can go and watch with your family or friends.

4) What are your top ten movies? and what do they have in common? any order

  1. Taken 1,2,3 and 4
  2. Dodgeball
  3. Run all night 
  4. American sniper 
  5. Ted 
  6. The shawshank redemption
  7. Star wars (all of them) 
  8. Harry potter (all of them)
  9. Scream
  10. District 9

My top 10 films are all a mix of either comedy or action, i think that this is because i tend to like movies that have a lot of stuff happening at the same time that are tense, or a film that makes me laugh. It could be this way because i would get bored unless i am watching a film that makes me laugh or interested in.

5) How do you find about a film?

I am either told about the film from my fiends at school or family at home, or i see the movie being advertised on the TV or internet.

6) What makes me want to see a film?

I am most likely to watch a film if it is a comedy or action film, or if it includes my favourite actor Liam Neeson, this is because i like him and love the films that he stars in.

7) How do i know what to expect from a film?

I know what to expect from a film because of either the genre of the film or if i have watched the trailer or my friends or family has old me about the film.
8) What are you paying for when buying a cinema ticket or a film?

When i go into a cinema and pay to go to see a film i am going to pay to watch the film that is coming out, i am also paying to see the new film or one that is apparently good according to family or friends.

9) Where do you watch a film? 

Normally, i tend to watch films at home with my family or at a friends house with my mates, however sometimes i will go to watch a new film in the cinema with either my friends or family.

10) Do you think there is a difference between watching a film in the cinema and watching a film at home? If yes then what?

I do not think that there is a difference, this is because when watching it at home i will have surround sound on so either way it will feel like i am in the cinema. So no i do not think there is a difference between watching the film in the cinema or at home.

11) Are there some films that you HAVE to see at the cinema or doesn't it matter?

For me it does not matter where i watch a film, because either way it feels like i am in a cinema because of surround sound and the only benefit of watching the film in a cinema is being one of the first to see it, but that does not really bother me.

12) What do i understand from the word industry? we are studying media right now. 

The word industry means for me that there is a company that are either producing a film or helping produce a film, this is because industry would signify to me that it is a production place, therefore in media i would think that it is where they will be producing films.

13) What other industries can i name?

In media there are many industries including; print, recordings, cinema, radio, television, internet and mobile phones.