In our first lesson we were asked to set up our blog and had to create a new Gmail account to be able to do this. We then started to do the basics on our blog by selecting a background for the blog.
DISTINCT - is a way to analyse and find out what image represents what kind of genres in a film
D - describe
I - in detail
S - settings
T - themes
I - icons
N - narrative
C - characteristics
T - text analysis
Today, in our second lesson, after learning about the acronym DISTINCT, we were split into four groups of four, and each person from each group had to pick out a piece of paper from the box which would then tell you what genre you have to represent in your picture. We were then asked to go outside and take four different photos which well represent the four genres that each of us picked from the box. The four images and their genres can be seen below. For one of the images, enable to reach our genre, i decided to use fireworks to crop a face into the image.
This image is supposed to represent the genre 'romcom' as this picture shows 2 happy people and then one person on his own who looks bored and singled out and is jealous. The people in this image are Lollie, Max and me. I am the person who is left out in the group and is jealous that his past friend is spending time with Lollie when I want to. However, Max and Lollie do not notice me and carry on having a fun time with each other.
This image is supposed to represent the genre 'super hero's' super hero and a villain, on the left is the super hero and on the right is the villain. The people that are in this image are Joe and Lollie. Lollie is standing on the bench showing she is high up in ranks and is smiling showing that she is happy and represents the good community, whereas Joe is standing in the background not looking very happy wearing all black, representing an unhappy person, which represents the bad community.
This image is supposed to represent the genre 'adventure' as the two people in this image, Joe and Max appear to be climbing a tree and looking around. This would show that they could be on an adventure and are searching for something. The tree is also an adventurous object therefore would be a good way to show to the viewers that this is adventure.
This image is supposed to represent the genre 'bio-pic' this is basically something or somebody famous. I am the only person included in this image and this is basically a picture of me, however we decided to crop Arnold Schwarzenegger's face where mine would be. This is because Arnold is a famous person and therefore this image would be perfect for representing bio-pic.