Film pitch and institution

Film pitch and institution

1) What is the main film outgoing audience?  16-24 year old. 

2) How do cinemas make most of their money? Not by selling tickets for films but it is the popcorn they sell to their customers when they go to watch a film/ 

3) How do you get a film into the cinema? Similar to music, you need to speak to someone that acts as an agent for film and media, this is like a distributor. A distributor is hired by the owner of a film to go around to different cinemas to ask if they can show your film in their cinema, sometimes the cinema will pay you to have the film shown in their cinema, however sometimes if the cinema has a free screen and your movie will not attract many customers then you have to pay the cinema to show it on their screens to their customers. 

4) What does a distributor do? A distributor goes around to different cinemas asking them to show your film in their cinema to their customers, this can either be the cinema paying you to show the film, or you paying the cinema to show the film.