Semiotics - Film Poster

Analysing the semiotics of a film poster

This is the movie poster from the film Jaws, my first impression of the film is clear to me. As I would think that there is a dangerous shark in the sea as this is clear from the poster because the shark is looking directly at the helpless person and has its mouth open showing its sharp and deadly teeth.

Also, the person at the top for me represents the members of the public, this is because this one person seems to be helpless in the water and does not seem to be near anyone or thing to get out of this danger. Therefore the shark will easily be able to eat this person and she will have no hope of survival, this could show that the shark is extremely dangerous and could be a sign that a lot of people are eaten from this shark during the film.

To me, it is clear that the main character of the movie is not the person at the top, but the shark its self, this is because jaws is the biggest character on the poster and then there is a small person in the background. Which shows that the person is a tiny figure and an easy target for the shark to eat. Also, the title 'JAWS' is in big, bold writing and is also coloured red with all the letter in capitals. For me the title being red shows anger and danger from the shark, because red is usually a sign for either danger or love, but in this case it is clearly anger and danger for the person.


There is a shark, this could represent all animals in the sea, this also shows danger to the character. Additionally, the shark could show that the sea is a dangerous place as in the poster the shark looks like it is going to eat the person, this shows the shark is dangerous.