
Today in class we were learning about semiotic and what this word actually means. Semiotics is basically looking at a sign or symbol and saying what you see. By doing this you are doing two things the first one is called 'denotation' and this is when you are simply saying what the picture that you are looking at is, for example if there was a tree you would say that you see a tree.

Whereas the second word is called 'connotation' and this is what we understand from the image. So, for example if there was a tree you would say that you see a tree and then begin to explain what this tree could represent or mean to us when we look at it.

 Also, we learnt about the theory that was found by Stuart Hall, and is called Hall's theory. Stuart Hall;s theory is something called Polysemia, and what he basically said is that different people could have different understandings from reading a text or media.

 Preferred reading - When the readers understanding of the text is what is expected.

 Oppositional reading - When the intended meaning of the text is totally opposed by the reader.